Module 1: How to look into the future - Future Literacy
Module 2: How to analyse future research resulte - Potentials
Module 3: How to create good Scenarios
MODULE 4: How to derive strategic options

3.2.1 Asking the right questions – or setting a framework

Asking the right questions – or setting a framework

To create a good scenario, you first have to ask yourself the right questions. Not only to find out interesting and new things, but also to choose the right method and to be able to answer the question with the scenario.

In the following we’ll talk in depth about these question.
Take a few minutes each, and think about your own answers and the answers that relate to your company.

  • What questions do I want to answer with the scenarios?
  • How do the scenarios answer my question(s)?
    (predictive, explorative, normative?)
  • How is the set of scenarios structured?
    (how many scenarios and how do they differ?)
  • What are my own unconscious assumptions about the future? (Six Questions according to Inayatullah)
  • What do I want to write and in what format?
    (Text, data, artifacts, prose,…)
  • When does my Scenario take place?
    (Defining the time Horizon)
  • What data do I need for this?