Backcasting Backcasting is a strategic planning method which starts by defining a desirable future and then works backwards from that future to define the steps needed to reach it.
Creativity Workshops A creativity workshop is a participatory methodology that makes use of and facilities the attendees capacity to imagine the future.
Delphi Study The Delphi Study method enables the solution of a research question or problem with the consensus of experts in a aprticular subject or field.
Flash Fiction The method requires participants to flow-write Flash Fiction, i.e. very short Science Fiction stories of 150-300 words, under time pressure, usually 2-5minutes.
French School of Scenario Thinking This is one of the earlier Scenario development methods and focuses on a slightly iterative and easily adaptable process of 9 Steps that produces Scenarios.
Innovation System Modeling Innovation System Modeling is an approach designed to map out and analyze the complex web of relationships and processes that drive innovation in an organization.
Intuitive Logic School of Scenario Thinking The intuitive logic approach assumes that business decisions are based on a complex set of relationships among STEEP factors to develop scenarios.
Participatory Methods Introduction Participatory methods in foresight are techniques and approaches used to engage stakeholders, experts, and the general public in the process of envisioning, exploring, and shaping the future.
Relevance Trees Decision Trees are schematic representations of complex, sequential, decision-making processes designed to facilitate the identification of viable alternative solutions.
Roadmapping: Roadmapping is the strategic process of determining the actions, steps, and resources needed to take the initiative from vision to reality.
SIA: Social Impact Assessment is a methodology used to evaluate the social effects of planned interventions or developments, such as infrastructure projects and policy changes.
Science Fiction Prototyping: The method requires participants to engage actively in the process of creating speculative narratives in the form of science fiction stories, films, or other media aiming to explore and envision potential technological advancements or future scenarios.
SROI: Social Return on Investment is a framework used to measure and forecast the social, environmental, and economic value created by a project or organization.
Technology Assessment: Technology Assessment is a practical process of determining the value and impact of a new emerging technology in and of itself or against existing technologies.
TIA and CIA: Trend Impact Analysis uses historical data to statistically project it into the future, while Cross Impact Analysis does not use histrical data but accounts interrelationships between variables.
Vision Generation: Vision Generation is a method used in foresight to generate compelling images of the future that inspire action and guide strategic decision-making.
Weak Signals and Wild Cards: “Weak Signals” and “Wild Cards” are both methods used in foresight and futures studies to anticipate and prepare for potential future developments, especially those that may have significant impacts but are currently not widely recognized or understood.