Module 1: How to look into the future - Future Literacy
Module 2: How to analyse future research resulte - Potentials
Module 3: How to create good Scenarios
MODULE 4: How to derive strategic options

3.0 Module 3 Overview and References

How to create good Scenarios

In this MegaStrat module you will learn all about writing a good scenario. Scenarios are one of many methods (see Module 2 for a more comprehensive overview) to ‘see’ the future. First, you will develop a deep understanding of foresight methods and tools, enabling you to construct coherent foresight scenarios based on identified trends. You will then be able to critically assess the feasibility and impact of scenarios, based on two detailed methods of how to proceed and stage a scenario, and how to apply them to consider applicable case studies. This module will provide you with some one-page exercises and additional techniques to effectively select and apply foresight tools based on project objectives, or generally how to write or get ideas and a feel for your scenario.

You will learn…
  • how scenarios are defined
  • how to set the right framework before writing a scenario
  • how to get Data and relevant drivers
  • 2+ different Approaches to Writing scenarios and their Methods
  • how to write good scenarios

Preparatory reading references:

A passing understanding of Module 2 is recommended, as it gives a overview of alternate methods for future foresight.
Already having answers to the Key Considerations for choosing a method of module 2 will help you write a good scenario.


Bradfield, R., Wright, G., Burt, G., Cairns, G. & van der Heijden, K. (2005). The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning. Futures, 37(8), 795–812. 

IF Insight foresight. (2023). SCENARIOS: LEARNING AND ACTING FROM THE FUTURE Part 3: Three Schools of Scenario Planning.

Additional Reading

Great overviews:
Bradfield, R., Wright, G., Burt, G., Cairns, G. & van der Heijden, K. (2005). The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning. Futures, 37(8), 795–812. 

Huss, W. & Honton, E. (1987). Scenario planning—What style should you use? Long Range Planning. 

Extensive List of Methods, Approaches and Tools for Scenario Development, each described: 

Great introduction to what are scenarios, nice to read but not necessary:
Spaniol, M. J. & Rowland, N. J. (2019). Defining scenario. Futures & foresight Science, 1(1), 1-13.

The three  “Schools of Scenario Development” explained
IF Insight foresight. (2023). SCENARIOS: LEARNING AND ACTING FROM THE FUTURE Part 3: Three Schools of Scenario Planning. 

Also interesting: 

Resources and References

Amer, M., Daim, T. U. & Jetter, A. (2013). A review of scenario planning. Futures, 46, 23–40.

Bailey, J. (2024, 18. Mai). Rosa Und Weiße Kugelschreiber.

Balula, L. & Bina, O. (2013). Key References for Scenario Building. Unpublished.

Carvalho, P. (2023). SCENARIOS: LEARNING AND ACTING FROM THE FUTURE Part 3: Three Schools of Scenario Planning.

Chermack, T. J. (2006). Assessing the quality of scenarios in scenario planning. Futures Research Quarterly, 23–35.

European foresight Platform (Hrsg.). (2014). Scenario Method. 

Fergnani, A. (1. Juni 2020). The End of Boilerplate Scenarios: Let Your Scenarios Come to Life with Future Personas. Predict.

Godet, M. (1986). Introduction to la prospective. Futures, 18(2), 134–157.

Inayatullah, S. (2008). Six pillars: futures thinking for transforming. foresight, 10(1), 4–21.