Project News

Megastrat Newsletters

Co-Design Workshop

In June 2023 we conducted co-design workshops with experts and practitioners in the field of strategic foresight. The aim was to co-design a draft curriculum for educating strategists on long-term future forecasting.

Our discussions were highly inspiring and fruitful and touched upon topics like collective employee ownership, dynamic capabilities, diversity, equality, equity, and so on. We also looked into the far future and made our bets on 2050. It turned out that if we communicate and include all the different voices carefully the future does not look as grim as one would think so. One key takeaway from the event is that academics and business practitioners both share a lot of similarities in their discourses about long-term future forecasting. This has its own pros and cons. However, the question remains whether we need to transcend our knowledge when tapping into far-future scenarios and their evaluations in order to be successful when it comes to long-term strategic planning.

In Stuttgart with 18 strategists and innovation managers met. Dr. Susanne Stingel and Dr. Christoph Kunz from Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart introduced futurologic megatrends and how to derive future scenarios for strategy making. Then Janina Belke and Alexandra Rudl moderated the workshop with the interesting 1-2-4-all method. It was very exciting to tap into the knowledge of so many experts and to co-design a draft a curriculum for educating strategists on long-term future forecasting. Not to mention fantastic discussions!

Logodesign Survey

As part of the corporate identity, we conducted a survey among all participating project partners to elaborate which symbols and feelings are associated with our project. Nine people took part and the majority chose the terms analysis, strategy, change, non-linearity and uncertainty. The detailed evaluation can be found in the following PDF: